Tags! Where do you edit them?

Getting noticed

Tags! Where do you edit them?

So, our Meraki setup was done by a company long bought out by another massive company so we have no dealings with them anymore. This was years ago, before 2018 when I started.


Back then it appears SSIDs were created for sites, but then those sites had TAGS applied that would broadcast only specific SSIDs at specific sites.


I've looked through the two pages of documentation that talk about TAGS but neither of them explain how you edit or create those tags.





I'm currently having an issue where we've replaced Meraki APs at some sites, for newer APs that are in support. Turned on the SSID for one site as an example and all the SSIDs that used to be broadcast on that site are no longer broadcasting. You hoover over the tag and it explains its not being broadcast and needs one of the TAGS for that SSID to be broadcast on that AP. But I can't find those TAGS anywhere to edit. Also, if I highlight the AP and add tag, the tag requires isn't in the list. But if you go to WIRELESS/SSID availability the tag is there and applied to the AP, yet it still refuses to broadcast the SSID required. And again, I can't find where those TAGS were ever setup.

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee
Getting noticed

Already been there. It shows how to manage tags I see but says this


Organization > Configure > Manage Tags page is now deprecated. Dashboard organizations are not auto-enrolled into this feature.


So I assume it was taken away which is why I can't find the area to manage the tags currently setup. At the top of the page on that guide, where it claims tags are, none of our tags are in that location.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Start by going to Wireless -> Configure -> SSID Availability, to see what tags are neccessary to use inorder to enable which SSIDs on which APs.


Then go to your list of Access Points at Wireless -> Monitor -> Access Points.

There you should be able to select the relevant APs. After selecting APs a blue menu at the top should appear, where you can click on Tag.



There you can select the Tag, or add one that's not on the list.



LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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