Students downloading Apps with App Store disabled

Kind of a big deal

Students downloading Apps with App Store disabled

Just wanted to let everyone know that we had some very creative students discover a hole with iTunes U that allowed them to download apps with the App Store disabled. I'm not going to give more specific information as Apple is actively researching the issue to develop a fix but I did want the community to know that even with the App Store disabled that there is a potential for apps to be loaded through iTunes U.

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2 Replies 2
Head in the Cloud

Hi @vassallon,


I know which hole you refer to. You may consider white lists over black lists 😉



Thank you,
Peter James

@PeterJames The whole goal is to not have to maintain any list than those that are approved and available through the Meraki App. 


For now, we have just removed iTunes U from student iPads until there is a fix from Apple. 

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