Strange "usage" sorting behavior on the dashboard?
Hi all,
I normally glance at the top client users at my sites to see if there are any runaway bandwidth hogs. I goto Network-Wide --> Clients and then click on the "Usage" column to sort the top users. The last few days I've noticed that this sort is not ordering things correctly. KB and MB and GB clients all mixed up.
I've tried different sites and different laptop clients running the dashboard are all behave the same way.
The list of clients under a switch still seems okay, and occasionally the main clients list sorts properly, though I can't seem to find a repeatable way of getting it working...
This is insane, a full week later and I can't sort the top bandwidth hogs? Sorry for the rant, how can they break something so simple. Now I need to suck it up, export to excel then sort. I get grumpy when I can't lock users out for using too much bandwidth...
That is truly pathetic from support, how on earth could a device firmware issue affect data sorting on the dashboard?!? Tell them to try harder from all here! In case they need to see up to date firmware, we have sites where everything is up to date and we have the same issue, shard 184.