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If you enable SNMP v1/v2, is there any kind of downtime with that?


For whatever reason it was never enabled before...


thank you!

5 Replies 5
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


Ryan / Meraki Solutions Engineer

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@JustinGA  I am not sure what you are asking exactly.


I use SNMP to monitor devices within a boarder monitoring system we use and haven't found any issues with having it enabled. It's doesn't appear to have any performance impact on equipment. 

I just want to make sure turning on options inside of Meraki doenst have any kind of downtime... i get like 1 hour a month for maintenance.


i didnt think it would, but i always double check and ask


@JustinGA ah gotcha, nope as Ryan mentioned there is no downtime with enabling it and good on you for checking. 


Hope your maintenance goes well. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal



With only 1 hour available, you must hit work up for a lab.  A separate network in Meraki with minimal gear that you can practice and test changes.  🙂

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