Reissuing Splash Page


Reissuing Splash Page

Is there a way to force all of the current users in our WiFi to see the Splash Page again? 

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

I don't think there is a button for that. Might be a 'trick'. Maybe disabling/re-enabling the SSID. Or actually probbaly best would be to set the timer to lowest setting (30min i think right?) and just wait for that half hour to pass. then set back to whatever interval you want.
Nolan Herring |

@NolanHerring wrote:
Or actually probbaly best would be to set the timer to lowest setting (30min i think right?) and just wait for that half hour to pass. then set back to whatever interval you want.

Problem with that is that the new timer setting will only be applicable to new sessions. I think existing sessions will still need to time out according to the original duration.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal
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