No puedo Loguearme al Dashboard

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No puedo Loguearme al Dashboard

Manejo aproximadamente 250 organizaciones, el día de hoy me puse a limpiar organizaciones, con el fin de reducir el pequeño desorden, pero al entrar a una de ellas me pidió cambio de password, esto porque en esta organización tenemos activado que cada 30 días cambie la contraseña, luego de esto no pude entrar, ya genere caso en el TAC, pero  me preocupa quedarme tanto tiempo fuera, ya que a pesar de que hay otros administradores, no todos tienen la vista total de organizaciones 

1 Reply 1
Head in the Cloud

This is a general issue that occurs with any updates to your account. The info about your account (passwords, 2 factor status, what orgs you have access to) has to be replicated across all the shards. I've generally found it can take 30 minutes to an hour for everything to work again after you make an affecting change and sometimes requires you to clear cache and cookies.

You do sometimes need to involve support but I would try and be patient for a bit before doing anything as with as many orgs you have it could get really messy.

If no one else in your company has the same access as you I strongly recommend you at least create yourself a backup account.

There is a python script that can help: and here are the API calls it uses

If you are more comfortable with something like a postman runner.

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