I can't claim my MS switch on the dashboard

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I can't claim my MS switch on the dashboard

Hi everyone, 

I'm trying to claim my MS on my dashboard. It took a while to go through. Then I logged out and logged in. When I try to claim it again, I receive this message " A previous claim is currently in progress. Please try again later."
Does anyone know how to fix that?

7 Replies 7
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hello @Schiller 


We're aware of some functionality on Dashboard, including claiming devices, are currently facing issues. Our team is investigating and I would advise keeping an eye on https://status.meraki.net/ for further updates.

Getting noticed

Thank you @ConnorL . Yes, I'm keeping an eye on it. 

Just browsing

Hi @ConnorL 
The issue was fixed for about an hour but I've now seen a re-occurence of this

Just browsing

Waited 5mins then tried again, and it accepted the new device serial - it may still be popping up from time to time

Comes here often


I'm trying to use 2 switches on my dash, but I get the error, would you know anything?


Just browsing

Just adding my name to this, currently affecting our company too.

Getting noticed

Yes, it was. The issue is resolved now. 

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