Horrible App authentication experience

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Horrible App authentication experience

Since the app was updated to the new one (at least on Android) with the slanty M logo, the login experience is so painful that it stops you using the app.  Is it only me or does anyone else have to enter username, password and 2FA code EVERY time you go into the app, even if it is only a few seconds since you were last in it?



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Oh no really ?

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I know on the IOS app I do have to enter the username and password and mfa each time. but it does allow you back in if you leave the app then go back. 

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Kind of a big deal

Thanks @Prestont, I should be clear that I mean closing the app then relaunching.  If I leave the app open then it keeps you logged in for the default timeout (set to 15 mins to meet compliance standards).


My main gripe is that the browser can remember MFA for 30 days and the app nothing 🤬

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee



I have closed and reopen my Meraki App on iOS and it keeps me logged in. I reboot my phone and I am still logged in. I have Organization Idle Timeout disabled. Does your organization have an idle timeout configured? This could be checked in SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT.

My Meraki App version on iOS is 4.142.0

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Adding to the 'doesn't happen to me' train 😅
I'm not seeing this issue on Android 16/Baklava either - app version 4.141.0, build 195147. No beta or anything running. I can quit out of the app, wait a few mins and re-enter the app without having to log in. 


Were you perhaps added to a new organisation recently with a very low idle timeout or something similar?

Whilst I am a Meraki employee, some of what I post may be opinion (especially architecture!). Others may have better or more efficient ways of doing things, so please learn from everyone!
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it sounds like some ae having no issues, but it sounds like they don't have a timeout setting. we have our time out setting set to 3 hours. i am going to remove our timeout and see if it works and keep me log in now.

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Kind of a big deal

I have the iPhone App, but I have also enabled FaceID, and even though I'm logged out, I can just use FaceID again, and it logs me in. Without Username/password and MFA.


Whether that is by design, or.....

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Kind of a big deal

Have you got biometric authentication enabled in the app (assuming you are using SAML)?



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Kind of a big deal

I'm not using SAML and though I have fingerprint authentication enabled, all it does is fill in the password and then ask for the MFA code...

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Kind of a big deal

You have me thinking.  What about if you configure SAML (you can use Entra ID)?  You would use your SAML credentials and SAML MFA, and then the SAML access token would be stored for as long as your SAML provider permits, and you can use biometric authentication on your phone.


A heavy solution for the problem, but it is an option for you.  And if you are heavily regulated, this is likely to tick additional boxes.

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