Dashboard - Networks and templating


Dashboard - Networks and templating

Is it correct that when we use templating for our wireless, the wireless part of the network has to be in a separate 'container'?

I would like to keep the per-site network view, but as I see it, we need to have multiple containers per site: Site-Switch + Site-Appliance + Site-WiFi.

Which makes it a bit confusing to manage.


Is that correct or can I keep them all in one Site-Network and still apply template to just the WiFi part of that?


Kind regards
Thomas Winther

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you are using a combined template (so all device types can be in one network) then you have to use a combined template.  If you apply a combined template to a network it will apply to everything in it.

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