Conversion from Co-termination license method to Per device license method


Conversion from Co-termination license method to Per device license method

Hello Experts,


Meraki's default option for licensing is co-termination. So at the time of deployment, we used this method, but now we want to change the license method and use a per-device license method.


So please assist if anyone has done so before.

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3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Be aware that once converted to Per Device Licensing, you cannot convert back to co-term.

You used to be able to do it directly in the licensing section of the dashboard, however I believe it now requires support assistance.

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I found it also requires approval from your account manager for whatever reason which I do not agree with, it should be up to the customer to decide which licensing model works best for them. 


Remove the bureaucracy around this please. 

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