
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal


This is more a feature request and not one I think I've seen already so trying to plant the seed in peoples minds.


CUrrently the dashboard doesn't auto-refresh in many places. For example systems manager is a big portion of Meraki for me, many pages don't automatically refresh their information and require manually refreshign the page.


It would be nice if when makinga change the page would auto update for example I have just pushed out a settings change to multiple devices in SM and I am wanting to confirm that all of the devices receive the updated settings without having to constantly refresh the page.



Even something as simple as udating a devices name requires refreshing the page before you can see the change.


For users who know this its not really a problem more of an annoyance however for new users applying a change and not seeing it happen because you haven't refreshed the page would be confusing.


Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 10.18.34 AM.png

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