New user


New user

I am an IT Services Delivery tech .   Responsible for both Customer service with POS systems and maintenance of our Meraki Network for those systems.   I was handed the network and have had to train myself on the necessary functions required to keep it functional, as well as add and prune networks.  I appreciate having a place to go to ask a specific question for Issues I may not have studied yet.


Computer systems was not my choice of career, but during Architectural classes at the university, I was introduced to Programming on a mainframe, and taught myself DOS from a manual.  Next thing I knew, I was the resident "Wizard" with PC's and servers....  Never did get to finish school!

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Welcome to the community Robert!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Welcome to the Meraki Community RobertJ!

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@RobertJ  Welcome, you could say network design is a form of architecture 🤣

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