Hi from Meraki product management!

Meraki Go Team
Meraki Go Team

Hi from Meraki product management!

Hi all, I'm Art!

Some of you may know me from the Meraki Go forums. I started at Meraki in 2022 and currently look after our routes to market for small and medium businesses. 

I'm here to listen to your ideas and hopefully help solve problems for you!


My fun fact is that I've been a lifelong Detroit Lions fan, which is finally paying off 🦁


See you all in the forums!

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @ArtMarshall .  Thanks for helping out in Meraki Go, and now for joining this community as well.

Thanks! Glad to be here

A model citizen

I know this @ArtMarshall person... Welcome to the Meraki forums and Go Bears!

Haha my oldest boy is a Bears fan too - it's a tense household two weeks out of the year!

Building a reputation

Welcome to the Meraki community @ArtMarshall Happy to have you onboard.

Jamie Williams
Delaware City School District

Thanks & nice to meet you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Woo, go Lions!! I had them as my top pick in the Super Bowl this year, and really thought 2024 would be the year they finally went the distance. 


Welcome to the Community, @ArtMarshall😃

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