Hi Meraki Community


Hi Meraki Community

Hi all. 


Brian here.  Newbee to the Meraki Community but I have been working with Cisco and Meraki for the past 13 years.


I work with public sector in the UK, designing and putting together network solutions. Cisco and Meraki are at the forefront of solutions we provide.  love Meraki products, software and services.  Looking forward to being part of this community and learning more.







2 Replies 2

Hi Brian,


Welcome to the Meraki Community! It's great to have someone with your extensive experience in Cisco and Meraki solutions, especially within the public sector. Your

insights into designing network solutions will definitely be valuable here.

Meraki's simplicity and centralized management make it an excellent choice, especially for public sector projects where reliability and security are top priorities.

Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences and learning from you as well.



Building a reputation

Welcome to the Meraki community @BrianAnderson 

Jamie Williams
Delaware City School District
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