Voting is now open in our second Community Challenge! Vote for your favorite entries by giving them kudos (
). The entry with the most kudos when voting closes on Tuesday (January 16) will win Meraki-branded swag.
There are two separate categories: Community Favorite (the most kudos from community members who are not Meraki employees) and Meraki Favorite (the most kudos from Meraki employees, as designated by the
next to their name).
Peruse the entries and vote now!
Feel free to share your favorite entries on social media, with your Meraki account rep, with your mom, etc. You can link directly to a specific entry by using the "Permalink" option available from the ⋮ menu:
Link to a specific contest entry with a Permalink
May the best (and/or most entertaining!) entries win!
P.S. Even @tnight, our GM, has entered the Community Challenge! As a Meraki employee, he's not eligible to win, but give him some kudos anyway 😀