Recognizing September's Members of the Month

Community Manager

Check out September's Members of the Month!


The Rising Star

The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:


  • Joined within the past 3 months
  • Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users


This month’s Rising Star award goes to @TheAlchemist! Since joining the Community in July, @TheAlchemist has amassed 20 posts in the Security SD-WAN forum by asking great questions and never hesitating to ask for more information when needed. Those conversations help others out, too!


dipper-star (1).png



Thanks for your posts @TheAlchemist  — we hope you'll continue to find value from participating in our community!


Everybody Wins

This award allows us to highlight the actions of a member whose recent contributions created a win for everyone involved.


This month's award goes to @RomanMD for creating and sharing this awesome guide on how to configure Meraki AnyConnect SAML authentication with ADFS. RomanMD saw a need and took the time to fill it for the greater good of the Community! Many are sure to benefit from the helpful detailed and clear instructions you created.

 RomanMD win.png




Thanks @RomanMD for taking the time to figure out and document a solution so everyone can benefit!


The Top Four

Here, we congratulate our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored. This month these amazing members provided the community with a total of 20 solutions and received a total of 343 kudos for their efforts.


PhilipDAth's profile picture with MOTM banner

117 kudos

6 solutions

MOTM score: 129

alemabrahao motm.png

72 kudos

10 solutions

MOTM score: 92


85 kudos

0 solutions

MOTM score: 85


69 kudos

4 solutions

MOTM score: 77

(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)


Congratulations to all of our stellar contributors

 and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in September!



If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for the Everybody Wins award, you can submit your nomination here.

Kind of a big deal

Congrats to all ! 


Excellent effort by @alemabrahao who showed great answers !

Kind of a big deal

Wow, I'm so glad. Thanks all of you and thanks @RaphaelL . 

Kind of a big deal

Congrats everyone, well done!

Kind of a big deal

Congratulations to the top shots and well done @alemabrahao 👍 

Getting noticed

Thank you very much team Meraki.

Building a reputation

Much appreciated! Thanks!

Although this is not a competition but just a community where peoples are helping each other, it is nice to see some recognition for the effort.



Kind of a big deal


Well deserved by all.

Kind of a big deal

@alemabrahao stellar contributions! 


Congrats to everybody else too of course. Keep up that great work!

Getting noticed

Congratulations !