Per-Device Licensing AMA with ShawnR, Cloud Platforms Product Manager on Wednesday!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Meraki recently released per-device licensing for both new and existing customers - a licensing model with new, exclusive features and flexibility. We know you have questions about this new model, so we’re holding an AMA entirely devoted to licensing!


 On Wednesday (Dec 11) from 9am - 12pm Pacific, our own Shawn Razek will be here answering all of your licensing questions in our second community AMA (“Ask Me Anything”).

So think of a question or two you’d like to ask Shawn and head on over to the AMA thread and start posting questions!

Kind of a big deal

Sounds great! If you register and are unable to attend, will you be able to watch the webinar later?

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Hi @SoCalRacer! The format for this AMA will be questions and answers via posts only, no webinar. If you're unable to post your questions during 9am-12pm Pacific, I can make sure it's up the evening before so some questions can be added in advance 🙂 

Kind of a big deal

Thanks! Will do!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Hi @SoCalRacer! The thread is live for questions 🙂