It’s been such a relief to have my Meraki umbrella returned to the swag stash, but alas, the trickery continues...we have another whodunit on our hands!
Our team’s Training Infrastructure Specialist, Mau, was busy installing hardware in our training lab this morning. He returned to his desk to find that his keys were GONE! What a disaster! How would he be able to travel via one of his many forms of transport home!? Bicycle? Locked. Car? Locked. Motorcycle? Also locked! Why were all of his vehicles at the office at one time? A mystery in itself...
Distressed, Mau inspected every surface, cabinet, drawer, and dust-filled cranny within a 27-foot radius of his desk. Fortunately, our crackerjack detectives, security-pros MX and MV, were close at hand:

They wasted no time in cordoning off the area and processing the scene:

After painstakingly combing through all of the evidence, Detective MX made an important discovery:

Upon closer inspection, gnomed-sized footprints can be seen heading away from the scene. Since yesterday’s culprit, MS gnome, has been in my care in order to prevent further thievery, there is only one gnome who’s left unaccounted for: AP gnome!
With this revelation, MX declared: “It appears that the key to this mystery is again hidden somewhere in the community! We must begin our search post-haste!”
If you find a key-stealing gnome lurking somewhere here on the community, please comment below with “I FOUND THE THIEF!” and a link to the post where he’s hiding. The first to comment with the correct link will get their own gnome as a token of appreciation for helping to return poor Mau’s keys to their rightful home.
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UDPATE: Thank you @ww for locating AP gnome and Mau's keys here. Now that MS and AP are back in custody, I will NOT be letting these tricksy gnomes out of my sight.