Enhanced Reporting for Inappropriate Content = Better Community Experience

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

There are now more ways to report inappropriate content—and give moderators a reason why you’re reporting it—on the Meraki Community. You can now:


  • Identify a specific reason why you are marking a post, comment, or reply as inappropriate
  • Mark Private Messages and user profiles as inappropriate


How it works for posts, comments, and replies

When you mark a post, comment, or reply as inappropriate, you’ll now be able to (1.) specify a reason why and (2.) add details in comments. 




A dropdown menu allows you to categorize the content for moderator review:



How it works for DMs and user profiles

This new feature allows you to flag direct messages as inappropriate. In your inbox, navigate to the menu in the upper-right hand corner of the message and click. A prompt to report the content appears:




To report inappropriate content from a user profile page, navigate to the upper right-hand corner and click the Options menu:




Our team is excited to bring you these new features that we believe will make for a better experience for everyone, and align with global standards.


Please let us know in the comments or via DM if you have any feedback or questions. We’re always keen to hear what you think.





Kind of a big deal

Awesome, hopefully we don't have to use it often!

Getting noticed

Thanks for providing this option to us.  I hope I never have to use it.

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Agreed—let's hope we don't ever use it @BlakeRichardson and @CloudStrife 

Kind of a big deal

I found a few Spam / Scam messages in here, therefore I'm really happy that we as users are now able to flag those messages accordingly.


Nonetheless, this is still the most friendly forum on the internet I'm using. Thanks for that! ❤️

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