Congratulations to the winners of the Network Resolutions contest!

Community Manager

Thank you to everyone who entered the Networking Resolutions contest — 55 of you! I'm inspired by the many resolutions, both personal and professional (and, of course, my favorites are along the lines of "Make more time for the Meraki community." 😀)


And now... drum roll... the winners! We drew three names out of the hat, and they are...








... scroll down...















... Here are pictures of the umbrella the winners will receive:


Meraki umbrella - foldedMeraki umbrella - folded Meraki umbrella - unfoldedMeraki umbrella - unfolded










... nope, not yet, keep scrolling...





















.... AND HERE THEY ARE! Congratulations to @DH, @rburch, and @AStoddard!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 👏 👏 👏 


(DH, rburch, and AStoddard - stay tuned for an email from me to confirm your mailing address!)


Again, thank you to everyone who shared your resolutions.  Perhaps I'll check back in in a month or so to learn about your progress. (Accountability helps, right?!)




🎉 🎆 🥂 Here's to a great 2019! 🥂 🎆 🎉




Kind of a big deal

Congrats everyone!

Getting noticed

The email notification spoiled the scrolling a little bit, but still pretty awesome either way.

Though this means I have to try harder to stick to my resolutions. 

Kind of a big deal

Gratz all!

Community Manager

@AStoddard - I did consider NOT @-mentioning for just that reason, but then figured an @-mention would be exciting too :-). I guess the scrolling is for folks who didn't win (but don't yet know it).

Kind of a big deal

I was worried I would be held accountable, now I can relax and create another notch in my belt 😃

Community Manager

@NolanHerring I’ll be checking in on everyone, not just the winners 😄