It’s Members of the Month shout-out time again!
@PhilipDAth again leads the pack, with a remarkable 97 kudos and 347 posts in October. Read more about Philip in our September Members of the Month announcement.

@Mr_IT_Guy, also known as Joe Galindez from the Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group in Virginia Beach, wins the (unofficial) awesome-post-of-the-month prize for his fantastic picture of his pom-chi Maui. Joe has consistently been at the top of our leaderboards since before the community was even open to the public. Read below for a short Q&A with Joe.
@WadeAlsup is a first-time Member of the Month, with 27 kudos and 55 posts in October. Thanks for joining us, Wade!
@MilesMeraki continues his kudos streak with 26 kudos in October (following on a strong 23-kudos September).
October 2017 Meraki Community Members of the Month
Meraki swag is flying towards all of you. What will it be this month? (Post a picture here when you receive it!)
Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed in October. This community keeps getting better and better!
Q&A with Mr_IT_Guy
@Mr_IT_Guy, also known as Joe Galindez, is a Network Administrator with the Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group in Virginia Beach. Atlantic Bay runs the full Meraki stack to support over 90 locations.
I asked Joe a few questions:
How does the community help you in your day-to-day work?
The community is a great place to bounce ideas off other Meraki users. If I’m having a problem or want to try to do something with the Meraki gear, I know that I can come to the forum and get some direction.
What would you say to those that haven't yet gotten involved with the community?
Even though the community is only a few months old, there is already a wealth of knowledge there. If you haven’t already gotten involved, then just do it! There are great people in the community and with everyone’s contributions, we can make it better than it already is.
Any particular Meraki product / feature that you’re particularly fond of or couldn’t live without?
Auto VPN is my favorite Meraki feature. The ability to easily join new branches to our network has made it easy for us to expand our company.
We all love the picture of your Pom-Chi Maui with the Meraki-sock-sweater. Tell us more about Maui!
Maui is a 3-month old Pom-Chi. We had been looking to get a dog for a while and my wife surprised me with him a couple weeks ago. He’s very fond of my wife and has finally taken a liking to me. Since he’s a little toy dog and the weather here in VA has been getting colder, we needed to get him something to keep him warm. Being 10pm, my wife decided to improvise and use a sock of mine. When I told my boss about it the next day, he recommended I post the photo on the forum. Luckily I have a spare pair of Meraki socks! With a little more of my wife’s creativity, we can make version 2 of the sweater even better!
Thanks, Joe!
Official terms & conditions for the Members of the Month awards