All-Star Profile: CptnCrnch

Meraki Alumni (Retired)
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"I’m involved in the IT security field for roundabout 25 years now, focusing on infrastructure / network security mostly. Guess most of it is based on my love to tear apart things and building them up again to understand its inner workings.

I’m with a large Cisco partner in Europe for over ten years now and really delighted to help our customers design, build and strengthen their (security) infrastructure. For the last years I’ve been concentrating exclusively on Cisco solutions and went from PIX to ASA, had my fair share of ACS and network access control projects with ISE, currently concentrating more on the “new”, interesting stuff that has come up like AMP, Umbrella, Tetration and Stealthwatch. All of these have given me the chance to broaden my views on security.


A few months ago I started with Meraki gear and came to love the simplicity of it. It’s great fun to learn something new, though its inherent simplicity makes it really easy to run."



See all of @CptnCrnch's community contributions on his profile.