Can't upgrade VMX100 to VMX-S / M


Can't upgrade VMX100 to VMX-S / M

I'm stuck in a bad situation. 
My predecesor put a lock on a a VMX 100 in Azure and I cannot unlock/delete the lock since now Meraki has remove our right to change those setting.
Now i'm stuck since 6 month with the TAC to try to delete the lock or delete the whole VM and create a new one around the same time to lower the impact. 


Tac doesn't seems to be working on this since the case is not moving.


Any idea on what i could do solve this problem and be done with this upgrade. 

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't have much experience around vMX but just thought I'd link this post in a prior thread which might be helpful.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You have to delete the "Resource Group" that contains the VMX100.


I have done it many times - it will work fine.


tip. During the deployment, make sure not to select a zone otherwise you get assigned the wrong type of IP address by Azure.


The purpose of a lock in azure is to prevent you from accidentally deleting a ressource or a ressource group while there is object with a lock inside it.
We try to delete the VM object, the ressource group, we even try to execute the command with power-shell in case it was a GUI problem.
We cannot remove the lock becauce cisco change the setting/permission on it.  


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I remember now.  Go into managed apps.  You can delete it from there.


I'm being told that Meraki support go through there ticket list by priority of impact on the customer network.

Since our case doesn't do any impact we will probably wait forever to get the ticket close. 

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