Block Youtube App

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Block Youtube App

Good day!


May I know if anyone in here has successfully blocked the Youtube application on android and iOs devices?

We had a Meraki MX84.  We can block Youtube on browser of desktops and laptops through content filtering and Layer 7 firewall rule.  However, when we use phones, we can still play videos on Youtube app.


Thanks in advance.

2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

As vMX does not (yet) support deployment as a routed mode firewall, nor support Advanced Security (UTM-type) features, I think you should concentrate on your matching ask in the MX forum.

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Hi GreenMan,


Yeah, it seems that I mistakenly read the title of this Forum.  I meant to post it on Security & SD WAN and I'm sorry for that😊 I already posted my concern to the other MX forum.


Thank you. 

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