MG51 SIM card PIN ?

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MG51 SIM card PIN ?

I have MG51 with one SIM installed, but can't connect to Cellular network.

Local status page says:"Status: PIN_required".

How can I enter PIN code to the card?

1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Another option can be to put the SIM into a phone, and then disable the SIM PIN requirement, and then put it back into the MG51.

View solution in original post

5 Replies 5
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

I couldn't find such option from the MG51 local page.

With hindsight, you're right, sorry    (I only have an MG21 personally, where it is an LSP option).

I raised this with product line and it is planned for addition to MG51 (and MG41) at some point, but with no fixed timeframe for availability, just now.   I have asked the team for an update, which I'll share when I can.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Another option can be to put the SIM into a phone, and then disable the SIM PIN requirement, and then put it back into the MG51.

This is what I did and got it working, thanks.

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