We ran into some funky spanning tree issues during upgrades with the direct VRRP heartbeat cable during deployments. Pull the cable no issues, your mileage may vary, but FYI. We pulled all the heartbeat cables a few years ago. Bulk of our 500+ MX's are MX84's in a HA configuration, each MX duel cross connected to the switch stack so that no single switch or MX failure should take a location offline. Meraki Switch stack with stacking cables. Primary MX WAN1 - Carrier 1 WAN2 - Carrier 2 Port 9 -> Sw1 port 47 Port 10 -> Sw3 -> port 47 Spare MX WAN1 - Carrier 1 WAN2 - Carrier 2 Port 9 -> Sw1 port 48 Port 10 -> Sw3 -> port 48 Originally had a heat beat cable on MX <-> MX on port 3, since pulled.
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