October 17, 2023 Users of google authentication behind splash captive portals need to be aware of a change in service due to a new policy from Google. Until now, captive portals have redirected users (302 redirect) to a captive portal where authentication is optionally performed including Google Authentication, especially for .edu customers. In the near future, Google will be turning on enforcement of their new security posture which disallows the use of this method to redirect users to Google authentication. Google authentication may still be used, but users will have to open a full/regular browser rather than the embedded browser/websheet to satisfy Google's security requirements. For this reason we have created a new pre-splash informational page that gives the user instructions for how to perform this. This only applies to mobile users, desktop users can bypass this step as they authenticate in a full browser already. The new steps that a mobile user must do are now: 1.) Copy the URL provided with a 'tap here to copy the link' (URL is http://escapessl.com) 2.) Open a full browser, and copy this URL into the address field 3.) Login when prompted to Google If the customer is using a walled garden that includes captive.apple.net and *.gstatic.com/*.google.com (or whatever captive portal OS the user has points to), they don't need to do anything. Otherwise, users may also have to select the equivalent of 'Use this network when not connected to the internet' or equivalent. It is expected that Google will begin enforcement of this change starting towards the end of 2023. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, ~Joe Tansey Meraki Cloud Platform joetanse@cisco.com New instruction page
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