Got reports of this again today. Tech on site was able to replicate. Got meraki on the line and went at it for a long while. Our entire Meraki infrastructure is all L2. SVI's, routing, etc happens on an upstream device. The client had heavy packet loss to it's svi, and on packets that did get a response time was through the roof, 500+ms to 4 digit range. Capturing on ap's wifi interface didn't show anything out of ordinary, infact it showed all normal times and no drops. Capturing on wired port and suddenly things started working normally again. Makes me think either packet didn't make it to AP, or AP dropped it without notice. Coincidentally - the ap client was connected to was on opposite side of building, down a floor. Auto power has it so high though that the client hears it louder then the units much closer (and on the same floor!). I don't believe this has to do with the issue at hand though because client can pass traffic through the further ap just fine when not in this failure mode.
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