In our current 3850 stack, we have a number of VLANs defined, login to the stack is via RSA(my understanding is that on Meraki, we need to use Duo), have a number of Port-channels defined as links to wiring closets, has some static routes defined, and access lists to some VLANs and some by protocol. I have never set up a core switch before, and this new Meraki stack will replace the 3850 stack. I'm trying to verify if this is a feasible switch, and how to do it properly. Currently I'm waiting for my secondary power supplies, stacking and power stacking cables to be able to create the stack. Then I need to nail down the steps to take to switch over, and some way to test without breaking the network. Up till now, I've only deployed layer 2 switches, so this is all new to me.
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