Look like it dosent do it correctly because I have like 50% student showing ok on each class. but still pain dosent want to do it manually for each device . And we can't know who is working or not before opening Apple Classroom and monitor one class or if the teacher tell us. Even if we see success on profile deployment few device dosent show online.
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My problem is I have one profile for Apple Classroom who I install on every iPad but atm I just have 1894 on 2226 installed. I don't want to reinstall 332 device one by one . So I want to reinstall in bulk on those devices only other wise this will take a lot time. so I can't find way to select only those device and reinstall.
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In system manager , settings, Profiles. for one profiles (Apple EnClasse ClassRoom)I have few devices out of date or not installed, anyone know way to for bulk reinstallation? I have over 350 devices. thanks Patwer
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