I've actually been looking into it a bit more, mainly because it pains me to dump perfectly good hardware. A few more things I've found out: - It looks like it might not be necessary to build u-boot separately. Apparently the openwrt images include it, so I might not even need to build it myself. (Found that out by setting up an Ubuntu VM and building it myself, sigh.) - There's an open-source JTAG solution (openocd) that can use a Raspberry Pi as its hardware adaptor. I already happen to have a RasPi 4 I'm using as an SMB server that could be temporarily repurposed. - The openwrt wiki (which is generally excellent) has some good JTAG writeups, including one about using JTAG to recover a Meraki MR18. So what I need to do next is buy a 16-pin header to populate the on-board JTAG and break out the soldering iron...
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