I opened a case and it's a bit of a dashboard bug. Even though we removed the old MR33 from our network, the SSID configuration settings persist in the backend database. To resolve the issue, I had to add the old MR33 back into the network and change the configuration to remove WPA3 transition mode and this resolved the issue. Fortunately the MR33 was still in my inventory so I was able to add it back in without having the physical device. I'm a bit concerned about whether I could do that if I unclaimed the device and it was claimed by someone else. Certainly, I think Meraki has some work to do here with cleaning up configurations when MR devices are removed. I can't see any clear way to delete an SSID or force the wireless configurations back to 'factory default' at the dashboard level so I had to go manually correct the 3 SSIDs and try to set them back to what is default configurations. After all that, I was able to remove the MR33 and now I can create/edit Group Policies
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