LACP does not work well with number of uplinks different than 2, 4 or 8. So basically you need to figure out depending on the application needs how much the oversubscription ratio should be for every stack. Normally in Cisco design documentation the normal approach was to have an oversubscription of 20 : 1 from access layer switching to distribution (or in your case collapsed core). This means for every 20x 1GB access port you need at least 1GB uplink. So if you don't expect much traffic on your network you can round down: So for a 48 port switch, account for 40 ports and you would need 2x 1GB uplink. However stacking changes that so in a stack of two switches you should go for at least 4x 1GB and beyond that start accounting for 10GB uplinks. So if you can afford two 10GB uplinks per stack you should be able to stack up to the full 8 switches per stack. I'm not sure if the cpu on the lower end switches do nicely with a large stack. I remember in the catalyst world that stack over 5 2960x switches meant a slower responding CLI. And like Philip and Bruce alluded to: for access switch stacks, keep your stack inside one closet.
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