We are looking for a radio station. Switch Eddie's geographic location (address). BBC - BBC Radio 4 for the original (Broadcasting House, Peel Wing, Portland Pl, London W1A 1AA, United Kingdom) We are looking for a date. Have a look at VLAN 1525 in the MX. It'll provide hints. 25th of May (Towel Day) We're looking for a well known attack used by hackers. A hint can be found in the raspberrypi client's notes. phishing We're looking for a motto, and even a rule. Don't ... SSID 15's name says the rest. Don't Panic This question can be found on the splash page settings for the same SSID. 42 (The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything) We're looking for one of my favorite characters. The Total Perspective Vortex MV camera's tags are all hints. Marvin The Paranoid Android We're looking for some kind of big calculator. Port 6 on switch Eddie links up to it. Deep Thought We're looking for the artist of a song. You'll need to use the snapshot API to know which one. Make a snapshot of the Total Perspective Vortex camera. I shone some light at the exact timestamp of 18/08/2020 16:12:00 Belgian time (Note that Belgian time is at +02:00 at the moment). If your timestamp is correct, you'll see the title of a song that's also the name of a spaceship, if not you'll see only darkness. Neil Young (Heart of Gold) Who is informed when someone violates their geofencing policy? Arthur Dent (arthur.dent@human.from.earth) By now the central theme of the questions should be clear. But the next question isn’t: oaniemmsbuhpvzkbzptgsilyzskjoticnmk? It's Vigenère encoded, the keyword for deciphering it can be found in a pointless MX L3 firewall rule. Douglas Adams (BABELFISH - nametheauthorofthisgreatradioseries?) Thank you for the great scavenger hunt, had a lot of fun exploring the API and the theme was definitely a cherry on top!
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