Thanks for the alternate route. I created a case. I called, 415* number, I pressed "1" then entered my case #. PBAX keeps asking me to enter the case # again. Still, it is not working.
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I called the customer support line # 415-937-6671. PBAX: Asking me to enter 1 for existing case and 2 for a new case. Customer: I pressed 2 for the non-existing ticket number. PBAX: Asking to enter the 8 digit customer number. Customer: I entered my 8 digit customer number PBAX: Asking me to enter 8 digit customer number again Customer: I entered 8 digit customer number again.. .. The processes keep going on. I am not able to connect customer support at all. The PBAX is not letting me talk with customer support and it is a big pain. I even mailed this issue but it was not considered.
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