I have set up a VPN with the MX64 to access a computer on the local network. That works fine. I'm able to access the computer remotely using Remote Desktop. But my problem is getting a WOL (wake-On-LAN) to work. I've been using a WOL utility (https://wol.aquilatech.com/) to wake up the computer over the local network, but this doesn't work over the VPN. I know I can wake the computer up using "Send Wake-On-LAN" in the Meraki dashboard, but I'm trying to set this up for a user who doesn't have access to the dashboard. I've read that its possible to do a remote WOL via Port Forwarding (https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/WOL#Remote_Wake_On_LAN_via_Port_Forwarding), but I have no idea how to set this up on the MX64. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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