Community Record
May 29 2020
10:42 AM
Thank you very much ! If I understand correctly , below staggered approach I should try . Both the Antenna ( 2.4 & 5 ghz) directing/facing should be towards 2/3 area of approx. 46 mtr ( marked with Arrow). 1/3 area approx. 24 mtr would be automatically covered with both 2.4 & 5 ghz even though both the radio band are not direced /faced/oriented towards 1/3 area. Of course , we need to try/test.
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May 29 2020
8:49 AM
Thanks for your explanation. We should not cross connect the radio to propagate both frequency signal (2.4 & 5 GHz) in both the direction from both Antenna for reason you have explained. We need to connect the Antenna as per recommendation ( one Antenna to 2.4 ghz radio and other to 5 ghz) We have the option of only MR 74 & MA-ANT-25 Antenna . There are multiple aisles . Aisle length is 70 mtr and the rack height is 12 mtr. There are several aisles . We can mount AP in the celing above 12.5 mtr as there is no wall to mount the in the wall side . Can we place the AP in the middle with both 2.4 & 5 ghz antenna direction in one side as per below heat meat shown (image 1) or it would more prudent to place the beginning (north) & end(south) of the in the alternate aisle . Or we need put all MR-74-ANT-25 in one side (image 2).
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May 28 2020
9:18 AM
Thanks for your quick response. Would appreciate if you can explain a bit more on what you have mentioned 'You have radio's that expect two spatially diverse antenna's to do 2x2.' 'By connecting the antennas that way you basically create two independent 1x1's and this will cause problems'. All together we have 2x2 radio. 2 * 2.4 +2* 5 ghz Basically I am trying to cover some 70 mtr Aisle signal coverage by placing the Aisle in the mddle (5 Mtr) & want both 2.4 & 5ghz signal to propagate the in both the direct tp cover all 70 mtr aisle . APs will be mounted in the ceiling. Other wise, I may have to put twp APs in the Aisle to cover all 70 Mtr length, one at one end of the Aisle (north end ) & other end of the Aisle (south end). Do we have any other option ? May be this needs a deeper understanding.
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May 28 2020
8:18 AM
Hi All, I am still not clear about the connectivity. Requirement is both Antenna support both 2.4 & 5 Ghz band simultaneously . We are using MR-74 with MA-ANT-25 Antenna in a warehouse environment. Please help if below physical connectivity is ok. Both the antennas are connected to both 2.4 & 5 ghz. I see some post saying one antenna to be connected to two 2.4 ghz radio in the AP & other antenna to be connected to two 5 ghz radio port. Other post suggest one antenna can be connected to both 2.4 & 5ghz radio at the same time. - will dual band with band steering work for RF clients when Antennas are connected as per below diagram ? - Will we have any coverage /signal propagation issue ? - What is the of having two Antenna if they can not server both type of clients (2.4 & 5 ghz) simultaneously ) - I have a location where I need to put AP in the ceiling & want two MA-ANT-25 antenna to propagate 2.4 & 5 ghz signal in both left & right direction. MA-ANT-25 Antenna Physical Connectivity
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