Hi Nash, I really didn't read this article, thank you. Reading it now, I see that my Request Policy is different from the example, I am using the default one about the time of the day, I think is not the problem in my case. Although maybe my Network Policy need to change or I will create a new one with this settings*** as the article indicate. My conditions as I said before is only asking for the Windows Group Domain Users. The NAS port type setting is together in the same session as settings about encryption, maybe will make a difference in my case changing the encrypted type to exactly as the article says. Anyway even with it is not looks like that it will have a relationship about NAS type port, maybe it will do a trick and fixed my situation ? I will try and post the results. Thanks !! ***Deselect all checkboxes and select Unencrypted authentication (PAP, SPAP). An informational box will be displayed press No to continue and press Next. For security information about using PAP click here.
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