I have a cisco meraki AP infrastructure. I defined an SSID with radius authentication and a walled garden. Everything was ok until the web-world migrate to https. That's the problem: - the domani www.bing.com is not in the walled garden; - http://www.bing.com correctly redirect the user to the login splash page to authenticate the user; - https://www.bing.com does nothing and the browser got time out; Asking to meraki they said that can't works because: "Meraki devices are not able to decrypt. This is why it's working fine with http (no encryption) but not with https (encryption)". But... - if I put the domain www.bing.com in the walled garden; - https://www.bing.com works! Why? I'm not an expert but seems to me that meraki can detect the url the user ask for, to check the walled garden. Isn't it? Why if the domain is not in walled garden, meraki won't redirect to the login splash page even if it's in https? Let me understand, please, why if a request is out of walled garden, meraki won't redirect to splash login page regardless of http or https.
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