Hello, Starting to explore how Meraki API works, so launched a meraki demo environment to test it. Below are my network dashboard on demo environment 1. The data we need to fetch via API for each networks are Devices, Firmware status & Offline devices etc But when I used below API call, above needed infos are missing. https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/organizations/<org-id>/networks/ Response: { "id": "net-id", "organizationId": "org-id", "name": "Live Demo - University Wireless", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles", "tags": null, "productTypes": [ "wireless" ], "type": "wireless", "disableMyMerakiCom": false, "disableRemoteStatusPage": true }, 2. Also when tried to get firmware status of each device via API, it gives different response than to whats displayed in dashboard. Below is the firmware detail of a device in "Live Demo - Switches" network in dashboard. Used below API to fetch the firmware details of the same device, firmware details fetched via API not matches with what showed in dashboard as above. https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/organizations/<org-id>/networks/<net-id>/devices/<device-serial-num> { "lat": , "lng": , "address": null, "serial": "", "mac": "", "lanIp": null, "networkId": "", "name": "Office POE switch #3", "model": "MS22P", "switchProfileId": null, "firmware": "Not running configured version", "floorPlanId": null } Is the API call used are correct? or the data fetched via demo environment are limited. Thanks, Mohan
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