Hi vassallon, thanks for your reply 🙂 "With ASM you can build classes by hand and add students by hand. We have a couple of use cases where we have hand built classes in addition to the SFTP uploaded." -- I thought about this in the beginning but there are two reason I don't want to do this by hand: 1) we have 200+ students in one of the schools we looked after, I would rather not spend all day creating them one by one; 2) when I had Jamf, their support told me I can't intergrate Apple Education Support unless I fill out a two fields on ASM, or else the class info won't sync properly. From what I can see those fields can't be entered manually, I had to use the SIS / SFTP option. "it seems odd that a school cannot open SFTP to allow a connection for ASM." -- The firewall we have is pretty strict; we're only allowed to use port 80 and 443. From memory SFTP uses TCP port 22? I might be able to use configure my SFTP client to use port 80, but the firewall might be smarter than that and able to inspect the traffic regardless of changing the port. I also looked at VPN options but I probably need to sign some paperwork / do risk assessment before I go ahead. Then....I found MUT! That solved all of my problems (with Jamf), so I stopped trying. I'd like to get ASM Classes / Roles etc. setup in the future so I can intergrate Apple Classroom + Jamf / Meraki, but right now it's a little 'too hard' for me because I really don't want to use my hotspot everytime I need to upload something using SFTP.
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