In the Meraki dashboard, under Network-Wide select Group Policies. This is where you can create a group policy that assigns clients to a specific vlan, as well as add firewall and traffic shaping rules. You will need to create a group policy for each OS (Apple MAC OS X, Apple IPAD, Apple IPhone, Chrome,Windows, etc.) that you want to assign to a VLAN. To assign a VLAN, next to VLAN select Tag VLAN from the drop down box, and then put the vlan number in the box next to Tag VLAN. In the Meraki Dashboard, under Wireless select SSIDs. Edit the settings of the SSID you want to use for the group policies. About halfway down the page you should see an entry for Assign Group Policies by device type. Click the drop down to select Enabled: assign group policies automatically by device type. Click add group policies for a device type. Select the device OS and select the group policy you previously created. Hope that helps.
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