Hi community, I could not find much info on this topic and therefore I am posting it here to see if somebody can help me with it. I am quite new to Meraki so it might be the case I am missing a silly config. Problem: I am working on a lab (MX -> MS -> MR) and for the sake of testing I have changed the default VLAN to VLAN 99 and the dashboard shows the warning from the subject on the MR33. "This device is using a DHCP IP address from VLAN instead of using configured VLAN" Steps: I have applied this config on the MX and MS as well and the only device showing the warning is the MR although I have also set here the IP type to "DHCP" and VLAN to 99. On the MS I have adjusted it in the section "Switch settings -> VLAN configuration" and on the port itself too. And finally I also configured it on the port from the MX on the "Addressing and VLANs" tab. ps: The AP has received an IP from the pool in VLAN 99. Thanks for your time!
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