You do need to use both API calls to get all the events, the second one I mention isn't appliance specific, but still is the only way to get certain appliance events that are security related (you can specify a filter so that it will only return appliance events). These include... {'category': 'Network-Based Application Recognition', 'type': 'nbar_block', 'description': 'Layer 7 firewall rule'}
{'category': 'Filtering', 'type': 'cf_block', 'description': 'Content filtering blocked URL'}
{'category': 'Filtering', 'type': 'sf_url_block', 'description': 'Security blocked URL'}
{'category': 'Filtering', 'type': 'sf_binary_block', 'description': 'Security blocked file'}
{'category': 'Intrusion Detection', 'type': 'ids_start', 'description': 'Intrusion detection started'}
{'category': 'Intrusion Detection', 'type': 'ids_error', 'description': 'Intrusion detection error'}
{'category': 'Intrusion Detection', 'type': 'ids_update', 'description': 'Intrusion detection rules update'} ...also events for AnyConnect. This call will get you the current set of possible events, you can see which might be of interest to record...
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