Hi Everyone . Just trying to understand how Failover works on WAN side . let say /29 Public subnet i have . Internet Link is via UNTRUST-Switch ( layer 2 switch) and 2 MX boxes (WAN1 of MX-A and WAN1 of MX-B ) , ISP -Gateway connected to the UNTRUST Layer-2 switch . VIP ip used (common IP used ) the idea to not have the NAT public IP change so that TCP-Sessions will NOTget terminated . NAT is happening on the MX-A. Classic Outbound flows to INTERNET /North bound . EVENT = MX-A link to UNTRUST switch fails (LINK Failure) , or Huge packet loss (PL) /Packet drops on Link from MX-A connected to UNTREUST switch , how the failover is happen . I read in some articles VRRP hello mu;icast/hear beat packets will be sent viaLAN interface only , NOT via WAN interface . wondering how the other MX-B will take over the VIP /Floating ip /shared public . is there any HA-cluster link which will be used. MX-A will inform MX-B that WAN1 interface of MX-A is DOWN. secondly on the brownout scenario , MX-A 's WAN 1 interface having packetv loss , any mechanism , after 60 seconds , MX-B will become Active for the VIP -IP ( Public ip ) shared between the 2 MX-Boxes .
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