Currently, we're organized in the Meraki dashboard as follows: Organization: BigCo Networks: Location01 APs, SSIDs, etc. Location02 APs, SSIDs, etc. . . . We're of course using tempates to keep all the locations the same, but that's not relevant to the question. Each SSID at a location is mapped to it's own VLAN on a firewall, then those VLANs are trunked back to the corporate network through a router along with wired traffic. Easy-peasy. We now want to introduce another wireless network that's completely seperated from the corproate network for security purposes. Of course, there are many ways to acheive similar levels of isolation/security from the corporate network through IOS features & device configuration, but the decision has been made to stand up completely seperate infrastructure for this "test" network. This network will have Internet access through a seperate firewall via a small business cable modem. My concern is this: If we were to create another Network under the BigCo organization:: Location08-Test APs, Test-SSID and these Test APs are in range of the existing "corporate" APs at Location08, how much "cooperation" vs interference will occur between the two wireless infrastructures? The APs will all be under the same Organization. I don't think either infrastructure will consider the other's APs as rogues, since they don't connect to the same VLANs (the "Test" network being completely aig-gapped from the "corporate" infrastructure). But in terms of competing for the same channels (especially for 2.4GHz) or other interference, I don't know if the two networks being within the same Organization buys us anything in terms of avoiding any of that. Like I said earlier, I realize that there could be better ways to accomplish the seperation requirements, but this what we've been asked to do. So please limit your responses to the questions about vs suggestions as to "why we don't need two seperate infrastructures". 🙂
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