Have you reached out to support yet? Feel free to give them a call, they will be able to review the MX configuration, otherwise I would just poke around at all the settings until I see the 'gotcha!' I doubt it is a hardware issue, since you said they gave you a new unit, and the old and new one are both showing a cap at 50Mbps. I was going to say maybe try the test at night when nobody is in the office, but by the sound of it, you've run it so many times that it can't be a coincidence. If everything is connecting at 1Gbps Full Duplex, and you don't have any AMP/IPS/throttling/traffic-shaping/VPN features in use, then you should certainly be able to hit 150Mbps easily. Device won't have any problem with that speed. Unless its some sort of cabling layer 1 issue (doubtful, but can't hurt to swap out the Ethernet cable, reboot the MX), I'm fresh out of ideas.
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