I'm noticing a ton of AP spoof alerts in the logs across ALL of our client sites. We have dozens of Meraki customers. All different orgs and different environments, but one universal thing I am seeing is numerous AP spoofs everywhere.

When I check the alert details and cross reference the dst MAC to the clients page I am seeing that each one is an iPhone with iOS 15.
Event Details:

Client Details:

The alerts are only showing when the buildings are occupied (roughly 7AM to 6PM). They seem to float throughout the building (spanning multiple floors). There is no other wireless equipment at our customer sites. It's all Meraki APs and Meraki switches or Meraki APs and Cisco switches.
We've seen a huge influx of connectivity issues over the last few months. Some of that seems to have been solved by updating to 28.6, but issues still remain. I am trying to get to the bottom of these alerts and figure out if they are the source of the connectivity problems.
Wondering if anyone has seen this or if they can check their event logs and let me know if this is common.