I am doing lots of investigation into our warehouse right now and we have found each week this seems to be happening to
the SSID is advertised on 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz as some devices are 2.4Ghz only as they are more legacy based
all devices with the error look to be on 2.4Ghz - checking this by their connected channel (1,6,11)

from what I read this can happen when the profile is incorrect - but these devices have not changed/SSID does not change - its warehouse production so no fingers allowed
the issue is when this happens the clients are not roaming to the next AP they are trying to associate again but this I s not working
yesterday I had to reboot the AP for authentication to come back
today by the time I reached the area (3mins fast pace) it was associating again
any ideas? - I can say move all devices to 5ghz but I don't know if this error relates to authentication how frequency of the device is playing a part