Recently I had to relocate my company's server room from one location in a build to another. Things are mostly back to normal but my one remaining meraki AP (MR42's) has lost internet connectivity on the BYOD SSID.
Other than an allowance for spanning-tree portfast the current switch (Cisco) port config it's plugged into is identical to it's old port config, and it's using the exact same internet connection it had previously. This is all the exact same hardware as well- same switch stack, same AP. I know the AP itself is working fine because the wifi for company devices has internet access and I can ping google from the meraki interface for the BYOD SSID. When I do connect my company laptop to the BYOD SSID the process seems to take longer than expected and gives me an APIPA address for my IP.
So I figured it was a DNS / DHCP issue and sure enough when I look up the SSID in Meraki it's citing DNS problems with the error
Client made a request to the DNS server, but it did not respond.type='NO DNS response' associated='true' radio='1' vap='1'
Except the Wireless AP is configured with the correct DNS, and it works fine with the primary SSID, just not the BYOD SSID. How should I proceed with this? I'm out of ideas.